Thursday 14 January 2016

Health and safety procedures on the set (unit 7 4.4)

screen grabs of editing (Bullied) process (unit 7 4.2/4.3)

For the edit i thought i would be much more
professional to have plain writhing which is
easy to see therefore eye catching. I did this
because from my research of other horror
trailers they use this style of fonts.

This is the drop down bar for all your transitions.

This is one of the techniques that i used during my
filming stage it is called a focus pull and is used
by a lot of other film makers.This is why i wanted
to incorporate this skill in to my trailer to make it
look more professional.

Though out my trailer in choose to
silent the default audio that is
attached to the videos. I  did
this because sometimes it is windy
and the sound can get crackly.
Plus i knew i was going to put
a backing track over the top

This is the audio bar and it ties in with
the caption and screen grab above. This is
where i deleted the default audio and
replaced it with a sound track.

This drop down box is to select which pan or
zoom you want on a video if you want a pan.
I used this option a lot in my trailer because it
gives the trailer a smoother look almost like
i was filming with a dolly.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

survey feedback (unit 11 4.2/4.3/7.1)

WHAT WENT WELL: Out of the 3 responses i got back they all were very positive. What went well the most they said was the understanding of the trailer and they court on quiet fast to the genre.
WHAT COULD BE IMPROVED: I think the thing that could had gone better would be to get more footage so i could have more of a selection on the videos and wouldn't have to edit a lot on a separate video. And focus on the overall edit more.