Friday 3 July 2015

survey feedback for trailer poster [unit 7 5.1] (unit 8 4.1 )

  • for the first question i asked [would you go watch the movie after seeing the poster ?]= a lot of people put [maybe] i think this is because the poster doesn't stand out as much as it would to boys than girls.
  • the second question i put [do you think the black and white worked?]=most people put yes i think i ask this question because from my part the black and white worked so i wanted to see if people agreed.
  • 3 question i ask was [what would you rate this poster at?]=all the people put 4 out of 5 which is good but that lets me know there is still work to be improved.
  • four is [do you think you would recommend the film after seeing this poster ?]=they put yes so that lets me know that i got the end result.
  • 5 was [what age group does the poster look like it suits ?]=most did put 15-18 which was the target audience i was going for.
  • last question i put in a description box for the viewer to write there thoughts on when they saw the poster?] they mostly put very good to the eye and improve on making it eye catching.

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