Friday, 25 September 2015

cast list [unit 11 2.1]

male 15 tall = Shane
male 15 small = jay

Location list [unit 11 2.1] (unit 7 3.2)

1st location = Mayland -Sea , orchard Dr , Chelmsford , CM3 6EP , UK

2nd location = Mayland -Sea , nipsells chase , Chelmsford, CM3 ,UK

3rd location = Mayland-Sea , the esplanade , Chelmsford , CM3 6AL, UK

call sheet [unit 11 2.1]

actors meeting prep  = Saturday , Oct 10, 2015

first shoot = Saturday ,Oct 17, 2015

Second emergency shoot = Saturday,Oct 24 , 2015

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

camera equipment [unit 8 1.1/1.2]

we have done a three shot set up one over the shoulder and a master shot then another over the shoulder shot mirroring the other shot and not crossing the line.

the next day we looked at using the dolly and and getting moving shot which the dolly makes the method easy to do and gets them shot
s really smooth.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

shot list [unit 11 2.1 unit 7 .1]

Sinister - Official Trailer [HD] [unit 11 1.1/1.2] (unit 7 2.1)

As the same as the over trailer i reviewed the two are very similar as they use straight cut to a lot of close ups.
Sinister is edited to have some flash back sense this is done in editing it is a loud of straight cuts to different senses.

companies sponsoring the movie.
 subtitles to influence the film.
 this a high angle which makes the character look small and vulnerable this is use in the trailer to show that she is a little girl which can be harmed as this is a horror movie.
 long shot to make you feel like your watching them.
 mid shot this is a great example of horror movies as they start off happy then go bad.
close up, imitating the character not knowing whats going on.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

GOODNIGHT MOMMY - Official Trailer [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

This trailer is for a horror movie which consist of two young boys and their weird looking mother and they try to kill her.
there is a different way of editing with the trailers as the trailers tend to straight cut a lot to flick through clips making the trailer scary which is what their going for on the horror video.

this is a wide shot this is used in trailers to set the sense especially for a movie this would be important.
then they cut to two boys were they are having a conversation with there mother which the shot is called a point of view.
then this cuts again to the point of view again to show the conversation.
plus to make the viewer more into the trailer they add in titles half way through the trailer.
this is a mid close up which can be seen in music videos and adverts.
in this shot they use a technique where it goes two shot, three shot for 3 then 4 seconds etc.
this is than over the shoulder shot which displays an angle which the viewer can feel like they are looking at the same thing the characters are.
then at the end of the trailer they display credits.
which you wouldn't see in an advert.
plus they add a date which the movie will be out much different to music videos .

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Dave's #EpicStrut TV Ad - MoneySuperMarket - January 2015 [unit 11 1.1]

 close up

 moving low shot
 sometimes adverts use celebrities to star in them.
also at the of the ad they include the logo of the company.

Monday, 14 September 2015

New HARIBO Starmix advert 2014 - Cinema (HD version) [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

the contrast of adverts compared to music videos is a lot different as the adverts don't have as much backing track music. Plus they have more close up shots to show the product.
 The adverts also include a story telling theme as the music videos are focused on the singer as where in this scene they use a mid shot to add the fourth person feel.
 As where as this shot is very low makes the persons in the advert look big and also powerful some times.this shot is also used a lot in music videos.
 The mid close up shot gives the viewer a more in depth look into the conversation.

also at the end of the advert the product they are trying to sell gets show at the end as a main focus.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Wanna Do - Joe Weller ft. Emil (Official Video) review [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

This music video is a bit different to normal videos that are on the top charts in a way that the personal who stars in the song talks from a selfie shot at first to give the viewer an insight of what his going to be going. I think this makes the watcher more connected to the person and gives a stronger connection.
In this video they have the camera man be hide them to make the viewer feel like there are there this is called an over the shoulder shot. This is a great technique and can add mood to the video.
The music video consist of a selfie shot, over the shoulder, close up shot, long shot, medium close-up [MCU], high angle and a lot of straight cuts to black.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

50 Cent - Window Shopper music video analysed [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

At the start of the video there is a fade up I think this is to add a story telling setting. Then to show that the music has started they continue to use cross fades throughout the video and also straight cuts. There is a fade to white near to the start of the music video I think they use this to exaggerate then slow motion shot of the car moving. They incorporate subtitles to show where they are instead of letting the viewer try to figure it out.  
Also in this video and in a lot of other music videos they have used non-diegetic sound. This is to show the person in the video there real life situation and add the music over the top. Mid way in the sound they move to a low angle shot to get everybody in and let the people in the video have a bigger status.
mid shot

close up shot

cross fade

long shot

low angle shot

over the shoulder shot 


point of view [POV]