Wednesday, 16 September 2015

GOODNIGHT MOMMY - Official Trailer [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

This trailer is for a horror movie which consist of two young boys and their weird looking mother and they try to kill her.
there is a different way of editing with the trailers as the trailers tend to straight cut a lot to flick through clips making the trailer scary which is what their going for on the horror video.

this is a wide shot this is used in trailers to set the sense especially for a movie this would be important.
then they cut to two boys were they are having a conversation with there mother which the shot is called a point of view.
then this cuts again to the point of view again to show the conversation.
plus to make the viewer more into the trailer they add in titles half way through the trailer.
this is a mid close up which can be seen in music videos and adverts.
in this shot they use a technique where it goes two shot, three shot for 3 then 4 seconds etc.
this is than over the shoulder shot which displays an angle which the viewer can feel like they are looking at the same thing the characters are.
then at the end of the trailer they display credits.
which you wouldn't see in an advert.
plus they add a date which the movie will be out much different to music videos .

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