Thursday 10 September 2015

50 Cent - Window Shopper music video analysed [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

At the start of the video there is a fade up I think this is to add a story telling setting. Then to show that the music has started they continue to use cross fades throughout the video and also straight cuts. There is a fade to white near to the start of the music video I think they use this to exaggerate then slow motion shot of the car moving. They incorporate subtitles to show where they are instead of letting the viewer try to figure it out.  
Also in this video and in a lot of other music videos they have used non-diegetic sound. This is to show the person in the video there real life situation and add the music over the top. Mid way in the sound they move to a low angle shot to get everybody in and let the people in the video have a bigger status.
mid shot

close up shot

cross fade

long shot

low angle shot

over the shoulder shot 


point of view [POV]

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