Monday 14 September 2015

New HARIBO Starmix advert 2014 - Cinema (HD version) [unit 11 1.1/1.2]

the contrast of adverts compared to music videos is a lot different as the adverts don't have as much backing track music. Plus they have more close up shots to show the product.
 The adverts also include a story telling theme as the music videos are focused on the singer as where in this scene they use a mid shot to add the fourth person feel.
 As where as this shot is very low makes the persons in the advert look big and also powerful some times.this shot is also used a lot in music videos.
 The mid close up shot gives the viewer a more in depth look into the conversation.

also at the end of the advert the product they are trying to sell gets show at the end as a main focus.

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